Friday, July 31, 2009

Emotional rollercoasters

So the idea of searching for a new doctor doesn't thrill me, but it has to be done in order to find out what options I have to possibly feel better. Good old Northeast PA is where I obviously start since I live here and all, and since I don't have a family doctor (yeah, I know, I'll get on that sooner or later) I call my insurance company and ask for a participating doctor. I get the number for a group (who shall remain anonymous) and call. I explain I have had 2 surgeries by Dr. A at NY HSS, and one by Dr. B at the University of Maryland. I also give them a very brief overview of what each surgery resulted in and I explain that I was told that none of these surgeries were meant to be a permanent fix since I am so young and active, yadda, yadda, yadda. I further explain that I am a nursing mother not interested in NSAIDs or painkillers, I would just like to be seen to discuss possible options and/or next steps. Anyway, I am told that the doctor in this NEPA group will review this information I had given them and I would get a call back.
Not as much as an hour later, I get a call back and they leave me a message saying that they, "Feel there is nothing we can do for you at this time". Ummmmmmm WHAT??? Are you not an orthopaedic group? Isn't that your JOB??? It's not like I called a dermatologist here! WTF? SOOOOO I call back and ask what they mean. Again all I get is they, "Feel there is nothing we can do for you at this time" and then hang up abruptly.
Have I done something wrong? Why won't this doctor see me? Does he think I'm kidding? Does he think I'm crazy, seeking drugs, something like that? Well, I am out of the house (I was actually baby-free for a little bit to de-stress, ha!) so I decide to show up at their office, but now I am in tears because no one is willing to help me and I honestly didn't REALLY want to seek help in the first place but I did since I know I have to and this is how I am treated! UGH!
So, into the office I march and right up to the window in the waiting room that is full of patients. I begin to explain, with my elbow scar in plain view, that I called and asked to see a doctor and I want to know why no one will help me. I think I have scared the receptionist at this point, who mind you, looks all of 12 years old. She starts scrambling on the phone to get a hold of someone for an answer for me. Next, in comes the woman I apparently spoke with on the phone and she keeps repeating they can't help at this time blah, blah, blah as I ask if they can direct me to someone who can. Well, then the story is that if Dr. A in the group says no, it is the same answer for all of them. OK, anyone NOT in the group you can suggest? Them: No. Me: (to self) GREAT! Thanks! (Outloud) OK, if you can't help me at this time, can you help me in say, 6 months, a year? What does that mean? Them: No, not in 6 months or a year, we feel we can't help you. Me: Why? You don't have THE ABILITY or KNOWLEDGE to help me? (I am getting louder by this point and people are boring holes into my back so hard I can feel it) Them: We can not help you at this time. Please leave. Me: Thank you. I leave, still crying because I don't want to be arrested or something. I head home feeling defeated and like I should have never started this process.
However, earlier during the day, I called my friend to see how she was doing. (It was weird that this all happened on the same day) She understands my situation (I will not explain why or give her name to keep her privacy), so talking to her does help a lot. I tell her a bit of what happened. She suggests a doctor she has seen at U Penn. They take our insurance, so I get his number.
I call for an appointment the next day and they schedule me to see someone the following day! WOW! I am really impressed and surprised. I apparently didn't scare this one off! So the next day it is off to Philly we go (leaving my little guy in the capable hands of my friends) with mixed emotions; I'm glad someone is actually going to SEE me before perhaps telling me to pound sand but I am afraid he is going to tell me to pound sand or something else I don't want to hear..........................

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