Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Thank you

Wow! I have been thinking of getting things off my chest before, but now that I am actually doing it (and having witnesses) I have started to wonder how in the world will I keep said witnesses interested in my ramblings? And ramble I will, so no fear of being let down there! Please don't think this blog is meant as a place for me to whine about hurting all the time; that os not my intent. Let's just stick with if you feel like asking how my arm is feeling/doing, "it hurts" is the answer to save us all time AND energy. Don't get me wrong, some days are better than others, but even when those days happen, it still hurts. Now that we've gotten that covered, let's get onto today's ramblings.
My mother has always told me to be sure to send Thank You notes, so here I go with some. I am very thankful for all the blessings that I have in my life. Not everything is terrible in my life, so today I want to acknowledge the good.
First, my parents. I can NEVER thank them enough for everything they have done for me. I don't mean just the parenting (I didn't ALWAYS like everything they did, but what child ever does like everything their parents do for/to them?). As far as I am concerned, my parents have gone above and beyond their call of duty. I have always said that if I am half the mother my mom was to me, I will consider myself a successful parent. Now that I am a parent, I have no idea how my mom managed the things she did and I thank her for that. I know I can never repay my parents for everything they have done for me, but I will do as they taught me and do my best in everything in an attempt to make them proud of me always. (OK, Mom stop crying now, I'm done.) ;)
My husband; how lucky am I, seriously?? This wonderful man has managed to not only put up with me, but he loves me despite all my shortcomings (of which there are many). Things have not always been perfect by any means, but we are stronger together because of these imperfections. And we are stronger now than ever before...GO TEAM SMALLS! =0) Thank you my dear, sweet, wonderful man, for everything you do for me and for us as a family. Not only are you a wonderful husband, but you are an amazing daddy. I just love knowing that you and I have created this incredible new little person out of love for each other.
My friends; what in the world would I do without all of you??? Some of you have managed to put up with me since elementary school (Susanna) and some of you have recently come into my life (Lynnie, a few years now), but regardless of how long we have known each other, or even how often we talk, I can only hope that those of you who are so special to me know it.
Thank you one and all for all your support, love, help and even respect. A bit of my heart belongs to each and every one of you.
I'll do my best to continue my ramblings about 5 days a week and also do my best not to disappoint!


  1. GO TEAM SMALLS!!! Momma you are the best. I have a feeling not only is this going to be an outlet for you, but I really believe that you are going to help and inspire many people. You have already helped so many people in their lives (including me)now you will help countless more. Love you!

  2. Crystal you are your mothers daughter
    And that will make you strong! Know that Paul and I have you and your family in our prayers. Stay strong
    Love you Paul and Susan
