Monday, August 3, 2009

Some, ummmmm "minor", adjustments

So isn't be a parent so much fun? I love rolling around in our king sized bed, or the floor, or even the grass with my little guy. He loves standing and being "held up".......and just held too. There's not much I can do to relieve the pain of doing any of these activities to leave just the pure fun of it. So needless to say, I do it anyway. I pay for it later, but I don't want my little guy missing out on anything I should normally be able to do for him. Its just simple stuff that makes him so happy I can't deny him!
I make up for it for myself when we just cuddle and read until he falls asleep. That is my favorite part of each day. I feel so at peace when we have this time together. And nothing is better than having my little man fall asleep in my arms; before I know it he'll be more interested in girls than cuddling with mommy. So I'll take what I can get while the gettin is good!
However, there are days I am feeling guilty about wishing he was a bit bigger or beyond his current stage just because when he's bigger (unfortunately much bigger) I can explain to him that mommy hurts sometimes or can't do something he wants because it is too painful. I hate to wish my baby's life away on him. And I love him at this age. I also do love being needed by him. I want to enjoy everything and remember everything in a good way, not how much it hurt holding him or playing with him. There are even times when I hurt so badly and he is either wanting nothing but to be held or he is just simply miserable and I don't know how I will get through it. That's when it is hard enough being a new mom, nevermind hurting on top of it. But I do what I can for him to keep him happy and plan on taking some Advil later (Can't and don't want to take anything stronger because I am breastfeeding and major painkillers just make me a zombie).
There are even very simple things that are just terribly hard to do, like putting his car seat in the grocery shopping cart. Since I am all of 5ft nothing, lifting him anywhere is usually seat or not. I sometimes wish I could strap him onto a baby forklift to get him where he needs to be! I keep my eyes open for any kinds of contraptions or inventions that will make life easier, but eventually I will be going to the grocery store sans-baby, or at least with daddy!

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